We’ve been teaching traditional Okinawan Uechi-ryu Karate-do, and traditional Okinawan kobudo in Berkshire County since 1983.
Elm Street Martial Arts of Pittsfield, MA is dedicated to sharing our knowledge of these arts with you, in a safe, supportive atmosphere.
...fitness, concentration, centering, and self-defense. Our programs are designed to strengthen and unify your mind, body, and spirit.
Uechi-ryu incorporates tiger, dragon, and crane forms of Chinese kung-fu. Students of all ages can practice and benefit from karate training.”
...an additional challenge, learning the use of traditional Okinawan weapons, such as the bo (long staff) and sai (tridents). Students green belt and above are eligible to join this class.
Do you need guidance as to which class is for you? Check out our list of classes and schedule here.
Contact us today for details of any of our classes: